Sunday, November 24, 2013

Personal Field Report

Personal Field Report by [REDACTED]

Having been in the city of Denver for a short while now, I have assisted with a few shadowruns, mostly doing some [REDACTED]. No runs that required close work with a team. This mission was the first where I have worked closely with a team since leaving [REDACTED].

I am currently going with the code name of “Blue-Eyes”, per the suggestion of [REDACTED]. I’m still not convinced that suggestion wasn’t intended as a joke. But it’s a moot point now.
Mission Profile

The mission was nominally to test a new troop training facility for Eagle Security. Supposedly it was intended to be an easy run with little danger.
I suspect the true intention was otherwise, but it’s hard to say. It seems to me you wouldn’t want potential enemies (i.e. shadowrunners) to know the ins and outs of your security personnel training facility. I of course [REDACTED].

Mission Results
We arrived at the facility we were told to test. We were told to move through the facility, performing various tasks at stations. The tasks were fairly standard, and nothing proved particularly hard.

Events became particularly suspicious when we heard a gun-shot and soon thereafter found a recently injured body. The individual was quickly stabilized, and we continued, shortly thereafter running into an armed squad. A firefight followed, and we were victorious with minimal difficulty. We continued on, eventually reaching the end of the facility, where we found Mr. Johnson and various associates tied up. According to Mr. Johnson, the individuals we had the firefight with had attacked the facility unexpectedly, and shot the individual we found injured.
Final Thoughts

One of the enemy combatants had a tattoo that may be of importance. See [REDACTED]. Who the group was or why they were there is unknown.
The team I worked with was rough, but not without capabilities. Given time they could develop into a highly effective team.

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