Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Lua's Log: Eagle Security

The run itself starts out as downright bizarre, and gets more so from there.

Long story less long: The run is basically just a standard military obstacle course. The kind used by militaries and corpsec groups the world over.  The twist is that there's a live-fire invasion going on during the simulation.

Evidently this is a black-flag operation (read as: shadowrunning) from some corporation somewhere that is attacking Eagle Security. Indeterminate whether these are leashed runners, a merc corps, or just a group that works together regularly, but regardless they were organized.  It is uncertain what they were after, but I think they either were hired by Eagle Security or they were not expecting a group of heavily armed shadowrunners to be in the middle of a run, because they clearly were not prepared for us.

We found the Eagle Security folks tied up in the observational layer, so I am guessing that the latter is what was going on.

Despite this, Eagle Security decided that our going above and beyond wasn't worth anything more to them, but we did get a nice bonus in the equipment collected. So there's that.

In more interesting news: We have a Technomancer in our group.  The "backup Decker," Kat, has the clear aura marks and her implants are fake: She's a Technomancer.   She's not talking about it, of course, but then, why would she? There are very few who are skilled enough with their astral perception to pick up on that sort of thing, and she's probably had a long career as a Decker with very few people knowing the truth.

Interesting, but not presently useful other than that it gives me more confidence in her decking ability.

Now it is time to fish around for a new run to see how these guys perform in a real death trap.

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