Wednesday, November 20, 2013

14 November 2075 - Posted Shadowruns

The following shadowruns are currently available from contacts:

"Fun and Games" [Meatspace][Astral/Magic] - 3000Y
Synopsis: A residential district of downtown Denver is reporting unusual activity among its residents. There have been usually high records of tardiness and absenteeism among the wage slaves living in the area, as well as a handful of deaths due to mysterious circumstances. Find out who is behind this, what is creating the disturbance, and eliminate the threat. 

"Lights, Camera..." [Meatspace][Matrix] - 3500Y 
(cold hearted bastard - less karma)
Synopsis: A troll living in The Hub has skipped on his BTL payments. The runners are to track down this troll and use the provided Flechetti Pain Inducer guns on him in a public area so that word gets around about BTL junkies who don't pay up on the bills. 

"Pony up the Dough" [Matrix][Meatspace] - 3000Y
Synopsis: Mr. Johnson is the owner of several (questionably illegal) games of chance, including a dilapidated horse track. The problem is that the general population has stopped going to his tracks in favor of a new all-virtual track that the Yakuza have started up. The Johnson wants the shadowrunners to wreck their legit reputation, either by proving that the system is not tamperproof and/or engaging in a smear campaign that makes it seem like it is. If the runners manage to win a lot of nuyen in the process, so much the better!

"Here Today, Gone Tomorrow" [Meatspace][Matrix] - 2000Y 
(good feelings - more karma)
Synopsis: Mei, a new shadowrunner in Denver, was seen crying at the Tower of Babel on the evening of the 14th. Her boyfriend, also a shadowrunner, has gone missing. She is offering whatever meager savings she has for a group of runners to find out what's happened to her boyfriend.

(Please discuss options as comments to this post, so I can have the popular choice the most flushed out for next session <3 )


  1. Janus's Thoughts:
    Fun and Games: I don't know, could be alright, man, but that mage shit creeps me out.

    Lights, Camera: I'd be happy to do this one, maybe get some payment in trade, but it seems like a one guy job. Besides, I'd hate to get Lifty involved with BTL junkies. You can't trust those assholes.

    Pony Up the Dough: I don't trust this one, man. It's, like, too vague. Asshole's just going to say we didn't do enough or something.

    Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: Sounds okay, but are we sure we want to be the lonely hearts club and spend all our time saving somebody's boyfriend?

    Overall, I guess I'd go with Fun and Games, and maybe I'll take care of that troll asshole on the side.

  2. Fun and Games: Interesting. Love a good mystery. Not really trained in medical diagnostics, but I’d still tag along.

    Lights, Camera…: Oh. You want to beat up on a down-and-out troll, publicly, because he's not giving money to the guys trying to keep him down? I don't think so, chummer.

    Pony Up The Dough: Kicking in some Yak teeth for the good of a local ‘business’? Well, it’d be tricky, and the backlash would be fierce if we messed up. But there are worse ways to spend your time.

    Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: It’ll probably turn out to be nothing, but… if we don't look out for our kind, who will?

    Choice: Would prefer “Here Today, Gone Tomorrow” but open to anything that’s not “Lights, Camera…” And if you talk positively about that job, you’re going to find the Goat staring at you, quietly. Just staring.

  3. As entertaining as it would be to spend the evening watching The Goat Who Stares at Men, I'm also putting in a vote against roughing up the chiphead. That's something you get a boshwag ganger thug to do for you. Just not my style.

    I'm much more interested in finding that missing runner. Boyfriend or not, we need to look out for our own. And if it involves taking down anyone who's looking to merc shadowrunners, all the better.

  4. Fun and Games… Looks like it might be an entertaining death trap. Pay is reasonable and the potential for unmanageable side effects seems low.

    Lights, Camera... Frak no. No good can come of this. We do it *right* and we end up with a bad rep as kneebreakers and thus get more jobs like this one. The connections are less than savory, and the money isn't *that* good for the kind of publicity we'd attract. Oh, and that assumes that the troll doesn't have *friends*, which would just make life so much more entertaining.

    Pony up the Dough: Too vague and too much potential of stepping into the middle of a Yakuza turf war. Some small fry vs. the Yakuza? Let's go piss off Aztech while we are at it.

    Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: Missing shadowrunners are sadly a common occurrence. The pay is… not great, but not terrible either, and the probability of side effects is low, even if it is still a death trap. I'd be okay with this one.

  5. “Fun and Games” : I, too, love a good mystery. And it seems straightforward enough.

    “Lights, Camera...”: Those who don’t pay their debts tend to suffer the consequences, Troll or otherwise. That being said, while I have no problem with being used as hired muscle, the method the client wants us to use are amateur at best. I don’t see this job being worth our time unless we want to eventually take over the whole operation from the client, and becoming a BTL dealer isn’t really on the top of my to-do-list. Also, with a certain BTL junkie in our midst, that seems like a less than wise business model.

    “Pony up the Dough”: seems like the Johnson wants some deckers to hack the all-virtual track and then brag about all the money they won from doing so. If we have deckers who can hack such a system, we should take that act on the road and win as much as we can without raising suspicion, and repeat that act every few months. Bragging about it for a measly 3000 nuyen each would be stupid.

    “Here Today, Gone Tomorrow”: another mystery. While it’s not worth much on its own, it might be worthwhile if we can turn Mei and/or her boyfriend into a contact. You never know when someone will be able to pay back a favor.

    Personally, I don’t see why we can’t work on solving both mysteries at the same time. While we’re asking around about the one we could be asking around about the other.
