Sunday, February 9, 2014

Personal Log

Personal Log by [Redacted]

I miss working with professionals. It's a real shame most of the field operatives I worked with in [Redacted] ended up either dead or hospitalized. I warned them about taking that exclusive contract with [Redacted] but they made their choice and now they're living with it. Or not, in many cases.

This current crew seems anything but professional. There's the decker who likes to make as many crazy assumptions as possible, and then gets tremendously confused when you point out that his assumptions might not be accurate. There's the covert ops specialist, who will walk out on a job because she was called a mean name. There's the chip addict who could actually be quite competent if he kept his addiction under control, but good luck with that. There's the rigger who's greener than that slimy [Redacted] back in [Redacted]. The other half of the operation may be decent, but they're all quiet types, so they don't do much to get the talkative types to focus on the task at hand.

I know the types of people who get into shadowrunning tend not to work well in the system, hence why they became shadowrunners. But this is getting ridiculous.

So if I want these jobs done right, I'm going to have to start herding these cats, and get them to act like a competent team. God help them.

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