Monday, December 2, 2013

Janus - Loopty Loo in Trip Town

The worst part about BTLs is that they end. Sooner or later, the world goes away and you're left riding around in a robot's cast off body in a city nobody bothered to color.

On a good day, you get your hands on a chip somebody forgot to lock down. Or one of those knock off Taiwanese chips, if you can get past the shitty translations and white people's faces stuck onto Asian bodies. You can loop those things and go for days.

Sooner or later you wake up hungry and with a mouth like dirt, lying in your own shit and realizing some sewer rat stole the taco you had saved for later. If must smell terrible, from the looks people give you. It's hard to tell. But it beats being awake.

There's better shit, if you've got nuyen burning a hole in your pocket, and I do. For a few hundred nuyen a day, some nice men will run you an IV and a catheter. Go a couple hundred higher, and you can afford a place where the needle might be new. A proper resort experience. No loops here, just one long, neverending lifetime for as long as your credstick stays full.

I'll have to make this up to my pusher later.

That's later. Now I've got a life to live.

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